The most preferred paragliding spot at the Botan Valley. It is located 15 minutes from the Siirt downtown by car. The take-off is made from the south-facing slopes of the valley which extends 3 km wide in this area. The soft surfaced track is 960 m above sea lever while it is located 470 m high from the landing point at the bottom of the valley.
Suitable for advanced rating pilots. Pilots must have at least P4 rating. If accompanied with a P4 or P5 rating pilot, the P3 rating pilots can also fly. Absolutely not appropriate for beginner pilots. Suitable for tandem flights.
Take off:The Botan paragliding track is facing south. Therefore, the flights are made in the winds from south. Best time for flying is 10-12 in the mornings. It is advisable to be ready on the hill at 10 AM. Immediately after take-off from Botan, it is necessary to stay near the rocky cliff and gain altitude with the thermals. Caution: Just west of the take-off point, there is a rocky ridge and a narrow valley behind it. It is necessary not to pass this narrow valley before gaining altitude because this narrow valley may occasionally generate turbulences with hard winds and/or thermals. There is no suitable landing place on this valley. Moreover, it is not recommended to take-off in east or west winds.
Flight: After take-off, advanced pilots, who are considering to make a cross-country flight, are recommended to ascend by staying close to the thermals formed over the rocky slopes facing south of the valley. When they are at least 2500 meters above sea level, these pilots can go towards every direction. The most preferred direction is towards north or northeast in the direction of Tillo downtown located 12 km northwest, then to Sirvan downtown 12 km further away. Those who stay on the valley can easily gain altitude with the thermals formed on the rocks and stay over the valley for hours. It is not advisable to go towards westerly winds.
Landing: The landing spot at the bottom of the flood is located on an agricultural field that is 300 meters wide on the edge of the Botan River. Because there are earth roads on these fields, it is easier to get the pilot by car. It is preferred to do the approach towards west during landing. It is necessary to pay attention to a small power line passing through the fields. When going down to Botan Valley, you need to pay attention to the lifters and suppressors that can occur in the landing area.